The pursuit of perfect marketing
Our Mission Statement
Founded over 30 years ago, DEC International, Inc. provides vital information to myriad of users, including Atlanta Housing Authority Reports, Chambers of Commerce, Government Agencies, Utilities, Associations, and of course, Private Companies (both large and small!). DEC is the leader in providing comprehensive, timely commercial and residential information throughout Metro Atlanta and the State of Georgia.
From Our President
‘Thank you for visiting our site. For over 30+ years DEC International has delivered exclusive content to thousands of Georgia-based companies just like yours! What makes us different and of value to you is the wide breadth of services we offer that allow you to time your sales efforts more effectively than anywhere else. DEC has a unique outlook on researching; we believe it is a cooperative effort between our Members and ourselves. Finally, we know that we work at your pleasure.’
Allan Feifer
President, DEC International
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